January 6, 2009

Like I Said . . .

Unexpectedly, for the next 25 hours of so I will be en route to Thailand, that forever flowering lotus of a country in southeast Asia. Maybe this once, I shall attempt to be a traditional blogger-type blogger and actually post loads of deep, meaningful thoughts while I'm on the road. So daring, so edgy. This will be my first of many firsts, including taking a direct flight to Asia from special, local Washington Dulles airport and the first time actually leaving Bangkok airport once I get there. I suspect there exists some single-word German-language psychological terminology equivalent to "the shock of traveling to Bangkok for the first time" but I have yet to be diagnosed.


William Thirteen said...

but of course... der Erstbangkokbesuchschock

Camels & Chocolate said...

Oooh what fun! Yes, please report back promptly =)